Public Transport: Bus Services

What we offer

The bus has established itself as the principal public transport solution for most towns and cities, flexibility of using the road and street network allows access to all areas of the community.

We provide advice on bus services and improvements as part of development and regeneration projects, negotiating with the local authority and local bus operators to secure optimum solutions.

We look at:

-       New public and bespoke ‘shuttle’ services

-       Extending existing services

-       Amending bus timings to existing services

-       New and relocated bus stops

-       Improving waiting facilities

-       Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is now the favoured public transport solution with many local authorities and is increasingly forming major scheme bids to Government. BRT is a  predominately segregated track based system where the buses are often kerb guided to reach higher speeds. There is also the flexibility for the buses to run on existing streets increasing the network potential. The longest scheme in the UK,’The Busway’ in Cambridgeshire, is due to open in the near future.

 We can also design Bus Priority Infrastructure including Bus Lanes, Bus Activated Signalised Junctions and Bus Gates.