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Transport Planning Associates - Corporate info


  • Quality Managment Systems
  • Investors in People
  • Health and Safety
  • Sustainability
  • Environmental
  • Equal opportunities

Brand Vision & Core Values

Company history

Registered information




Quality Managment System

We are currently working towards accreditation of our Quality Management System to the internationally recognised ISO9001 standard. Our adopted quality policy is adopted below.

Transport Planning Associates is a leading UK Transport Planning, Traffic Engineering and Highway Design consultancy offering a complete service in these disciplines. We recognise that our clients are the focus of our business and we work closely with their multi-disciplinary project teams to deliver sustainable, optimal and appropriate solutions. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients and achieving a high level of client satisfaction at all times.

Transport Planning Associates is committed to operating the company in compliance with the statutory, regulatory, customer and other requirements of a Quality Management System conforming to the International Standard ISO 9001:2008. We have established a number of quality objectives and these will be regularly monitored and reviewed so that we can maintain continual improvement. We will regularly review this quality policy to ensure it continues to meet the needs of Transport Planning Associates, our staff and our clients.

Transport Planning Associates will ensure that we have the necessary resources for each project and that they are carried out in a professional and timely manner. We shall ensure that all our staff understand and follow our processes and procedures and are able to perform their duties effectively through our ongoing Investors and People strategy.

Investors in People

Investors in People is an internationally recognised business improvement framework that helps businesses to meet their goals and improve performance. The Directors are committed to operating in accordance with the Investors in People Standard to improve the business and its staff.

The Investors in People framework is based on three core principles:

  • Plan – Develop strategies to improve performance;
  • Do – Take Action to improve performance; and
  • Review – Evaluate and improve performance

We have put strategies in place for Learning and Development, People Management and Leadership and Management that will benefit the company and our staff and allow us to achieve the Investors in People accreditation in the near future.

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires every organisation to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, and requires it not to put anyone at risk as a result of its activities.

The company’s policy is not only to comply fully with the Act, but to act positively to prevent injury, ill-health, damage and loss arising from the company’s activities. We aim for excellence and seek continuous improvement.

We have obtained the Approved Safe Contractor designation.


Transport Planning Associates provides professional consultancy services; its direct impacts on the environment are essentially limited to office work and operation, printing and staff travel. Through our environmental policy we aim to reduce our direct impact on the environment.

The company’s Travel Plan strategy is built on locating our offices sustainably where there is good public transport, cycling and walking accessibility and continual improvement our commuting and business travel carbon footprint.

Equal opportunities

Transport Planning Associates is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment. Accordingly our processes and procedures for recruitment, selection, training, development and promotion are designed to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality ethnic or national origin, disability, religion, political beliefs, sex, sexual orientation or marital status. The objective of this policy is to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and otherwise treated solely on the basis of their relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities.


Brand Vision

  • To be the Transport Planning Consultancy of choice for our Clients.
  • To be well respected in our marketplace.
  • To increase our numbers and horizons.


Core Values

Client Commitment

Clients are the focus of our business and we work with their multi-disciplinary project teams to deliver sustainable, optimal and appropriate solutions commensurate with client expectations.


We treat people equally and make decisions without favouritism or prejudice.


We are diligent in our work in order to realise our business and personal goals.


We are honest, reliable and trustworthy in our business dealings.


We manage the quality of our work to ensure we meet appropriate standards and seek continuous improvement.


We show appreciation for efforts made and we value ourselves, others, property and diversity.

Technical Excellence

We aim for technical excellence through skilful analysis and impartial evaluation, good design, innovation and proactive consultation.