
Career opportunities

We are currently looking for an Engineer and Technician to join our Infrastructure Design team in Welwyn Garden City; and a Transport Planner and Senior Transport Planner to join our Transport Planning team in Bristol. Please visit our Careers page for more details.


TPA receives Silver at West of England Sustainable Business Travel Awards

TPA has been awarded a Silver award at the West of England Sustainable Business Travel Awards. The awards presentation was held on 7th February at the M-Shed in Bristol hosted by Travelwest and LSTF.

The award recognises that TPA have a strong commitment to changing staff travel patterns to sustainable modes in the Bristol office through its successful implementation of its companywide travel plan.

The examiners considered that the 2012 travel survey demonstrated TPA has significant progress in meeting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) targets in both commuting and business travel with an excellent improvements in emissions from business travel across the company. The award identifies TPA’s commitment to sustainable travel and impact on the environment through the successful modal shift in commuting trends for all the offices away from the private car. The award praised TPA for the commitment and managerial support including the new environmental based policy on company cars whereby the company balances business needs and the environment successfully


Change of use secured for Domino's Pizza

We are pleased to announce that the Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal for a change of use from Class A3 (Restaurant) use to Class A5 (takeaway) at 92 Bedminster Parade, Bristol, on behalf of the appellant, Domino's Pizza Group.

We prepared a Written Statement to support the appeal.  The Council had expressed the view that the level of calling and delivery traffic would lead to indiscriminate parking and the creation of dangerous traffic conditions to the detriment of pedestrian and highway safety.  However, the Inspector agreed with TPA’s views that the calling traffic could be accommodated safety and that the proposed delivery arrangements could be satisfactorily controlled via the provision of a Service Management Plan imposed by a planning condition.  The Inspector also agreed with TPA’s view that the appeal proposal complied with National and local policy and that limited weight should be attached to Bristol City Council’s Policy Advice Note 17 (PAN17).


Milford Dock Redevelopment

Transport Planning Associates has been appointed by the Milford Haven Port Authority as the Transport and Highway Consultant to inform the master planning process and support a hybrid planning application for Milford Dock, to enhance the waterfront experience, improving existing facilities, and regenerating the entire dock and marina area.

The development at Milford Dock will provide a new waterfront destination through the creation of high quality buildings and spaces around the marina enhancing the character of the area.

Milford Haven Port Authority, which is behind the plan and wants to enhance the leisure, entertainment and retail offerings available to increase the number of visitors and boost economic prosperity in the town, including improved facilities at Milford Dock for the fishing industry.  The Port is also committed to retaining the Docks’ status as the largest fishing port in Wales, and hopes to attract further business within this sector.  

We have participated extensively in public consultation events involving local stakeholders and the general public that has concluded with the production of a draft development masterplan that has been presented to the Design Committee for Wales.

An innovative site access solution, a direct link with Hamilton Terrace and a shuttle bus service running between Charles Street and the Marina, complement the proposed redevelopment.


Positive appeal decision in Leicestershire

We are pleased to announce that the Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal for the development of 4 dwellings near the village of Great Easton in Leicestershire.

We represented the appellant in relation to transportation matters.  The site is located outside the village boundary but had a “fallback” position comprising employment uses. The Inspector considered that the fallback position was material and that “the road trips and therefore carbon emissions from the site would be less for housing development than the use of the site for the fallback employment use, in accordance with paragraph 30 and 34 of the Framework” and “it would be likely to be less harmful than the fallback position in terms of potential vehicle movements, including HGVs”. TPA provided an assessment demonstrating accessibility of the site to local facilities including the local primary school and provision of adequate bus services, to which the inspectors decision stated that the site was “within walking distance of local services and facilities” which contributed to her allowing planning permission for the 4 dwelling scheme at the site.