Active Travel (Cycling and Walking)

What is Active Travel?

In the UK around 70% of all trips are under 5 miles and 44% are under 2 miles. Many of these trips could be undertaken by cycling and walking or active travel as it is sometimes termed. The promotion of cycling and walking trips is a core aspect of Government transport and planning policy.


  • Climate friendly Active Travel produces zero CO2 emissions.
  • Healthy People who regularly travel actively reduce the risk of developing major chronic diseases (e.g. coronary heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes) by up to 50%, and the risk of premature death by about 20-30%.
  • Economic Active Travel has very low running costs when compared to private car or public transport use.  Beyond any initial set up cost to purchase the relevant equipment (e.g. a bicycle) the ongoing running costs of active travel are minimal.


What we offer


  • Assessment of walking and cycling catchments
  • Cycle Audit and Pedestrian Audit
  • Planning and design of cycle routes
  • Cycling strategies
  • Walking strategies
  • Design of footways and footpaths
  • Walking and Cycling measures as part of travel plans